Sunday, December 28, 2008


Could it be that I was already travelling a couple of hours?

Surely this must be a different country than the one I'm used to live in. This is serial killer region inhabited by people that seem to have a speaking disorder. And why would a sane man travel to a place like that. I can think of more than one reason if you're a serial killer. But I'm not, so the only possibility that can apply to me is that I had to catch a cheap flight to Italy. One of the upsides by having cheap flights is that you're not surrounded by men in business suits trying to hide their trivial live by exhibiting their laptops and impractical expensive phones. Fingering the latter continually, which is obvious... they don't understand how the thing works. The downside is that you have to travel to a place where modern civilisation seems to have ended in order to board on a plane. To my consternation, when checking, I was only 40 minutes away from home and 10 minutes south of Bruxelles.

Unfortunately this isn't the only downside. When flights become cheaper than my worn out shoes auctioned on ebay so is the customer service. Instead of flying to Venezia as was clearly printed on the ticket, Ryanair dropped us of at Milano, 250km away.

Despite this detail I was treated by a white christmas and of course Venezia itself. Which I could enjoy fully the day after, completely cloudless, as it should be.