Saturday, October 31, 2009

Les photos interdites non interdites

Royal Air Maroc takes you back

Judaism used to be a part of Morocco. Every big city still has his mellah, a quarter existing of narrow streets that has everything the way we imagine a ghetto. It has his own surrounding wall and very often is to be found next to the city palace. This to enjoy the protection of the reigning governor in trade for high taxes. They played a vital role in the countries economy and could use all the protection they could get.
Most of Morocco's advisors where jews, even up to today Morocco's King Mohamed VI has a jewish advisor.

The French who colonised most of northern Africa where so nice to the jews that the population of 265.000 in 1948 dwindled to 8000 when the State of Israel was recognized.
Next to the mellahs you can still find the graveyards where most dates do not exceed the '60s.

Detail of the jewish graveyard, Fés.